People always ask me, “What inspired you to start Carolina Food Tours?” I’m not a chef or culinary expert. Instead, this is how it happened:
In May 2018, I lost my job. When that happened, I was panic-stricken. As a single mom and no other source of income at the time, what would I do? Unemployment was not even an option, as I was considered an independent contractor. How would I survive? I needed a job and I needed it right away but I felt God saying to me, “Be still. Do not be afraid. Just be with Me.” I’ve been a Christian for most of my life (although I didn’t live like it during one season), and I do my Bible study already. I had a choice, run around frantically giving out resumes in hopes that someone would hire me by the next week OR listen to what God was telling me, even though it didn’t make sense. I chose to do the crazy thing and obey God. I was desperate. For a week I fasted (water only), listened to sermons on Youtube, prayed and read my Bible. It was a beautiful time, looking back. God taught me so many things that week, for example, the power of my words. At the end of a week, I felt like God asked me, “What do you really want?” So, I grabbed a piece of paper and started my list. 1) the amount of money I needed to pay my bills 2) Flexibility to still be a mom and pick up kids from school or be there when needed. Then I thought to myself … what did I like about my old job? After a minute, I blurted out loud, “Well, I liked taking them out to eat hahaha.” On my previous job, I would take business owners out to eat and talk to them about what I was selling. So I wrote down 3) Get paid to take people out to eat, as I laughed. I prayed over it and left it. I started going on job interviews and even though there were a couple of good-paying jobs, they weren’t what I was praying for so I didn’t feel right about them. A couple of weeks later, my eldest son, Noah, came home from college. It was a Sunday afternoon, and we were sitting in the car talking. He mentioned that he wanted to do something super special for his girlfriend, Hailey. He googled “things to do in Charleston” and food tours came up. Being the lover of all types of food, I immediately said, “I want to do that! What is it? Why don’t we have one of those here?” Then as I read about it, I thought, “That would be such a fun job… getting paid to take people out to eat.” Oh my goodness, could this be it? As soon as we drove home, I sat down with my computer and researched food tours all afternoon and into the night. Eight o’clock the next morning, I was on my way to Charleston with my son, Joshua, to take my first food tour. After, I knew this was it. The old me would have called one of my guy friends and told him all about it and how he needed to do this and I would help him. I didn’t. You see, after those days alone with Jesus, I began to see myself as He sees me. It made all the difference. I didn’t need to run to a man, God could help me do it. He alone helped me with every aspect of the business. (I did receive help from a former coworker on the website portion.) From studying the history of our area night and day the first few weeks to meeting with many restaurant owners in the area, it was exciting but challenging. Then in July of 2018, I gave my first food tour – The Historic Georgetown Food Tour.
A lot has happened in our lives since then. Noah is now married to Hailey and they live in the upstate. I am now married to a wonderful man, Todd, and he far exceeds all my prayers. We have started a non-profit for divorced individuals and our hearts desire is to do full time ministry one day.
I grew up in S.C. eating homegrown okra, tomatoes and butter beans from momma’s garden. My mom cooked rice (at almost every meal) and grits with breakfast. As a child, I didn’t realize the cultural significance of these foods. My dad would have a fish fry, which always included hush puppies and my Grandaddy would put a pig on the pit and invite all the community. With a family like this, it’s no wonder I have a lifelong love affair with food. They were foodies before it became a thing!
-Corina Whitehead
A South Carolina food tour is a new way to connect with people over a meal — or four! Eating is the universal language we all speak. Bonds are formed when breaking bread together. As we eat together, we share stories, build relationships, and benefit in many ways — emotionally, physically, and mentally.
So come along with us as we walk, talk, learn about the rich history of South Carolina and taste the delicious coastal cuisine of the Myrtle Beach area. Whether you are a food enthusiast, a foodie, or a culinary expert, you will love our South Carolina food tours. When visiting the Myrtle Beach area, try a Carolina Food Tour for a culinary and social experience you won’t forget!